Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chrysler-The Most Cherished Name In Automative!

New Products-RAM
Chrysler- A name in automobile USA is most adorable one.This company is ruling the automobile world.

With a cemented collaboration between Chrysler and Fiat, the New Chrysler Group is armed with proven processes, invigorated with access to new technologies and altogether able to streamline the path from planning to market. For the automotive consumer, this remarkable partnership will provide a product portfolio which will see 75 percent of the current lineup enhanced within the next 14 months and vehicles which will be 100 percent refreshed and reinvented by 2012. In the most basic of terms, it will give new customers newfound reasons to visit a Chrysler showroom for the very first time.

New Technologies
In these next five years, consumers will see a company that sheds the burden of six V6 engines in order to embrace one. They will see a four-cylinder engine lineup that’s fortified with the Fiat FIRE engine – a remarkable powerplant that delivers a combination of power and efficiency that’s become a benchmark in markets all over the world.

Fuel Efficiency
Coupled with an already robust family of four-cylinder gas engines from the Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance facility, Fiat’s FIRE engine will infuse a multitude of Dodge, Jeep® and Chrysler nameplates with fuel-efficient performance. The New Chrysler Group’s access to Fiat’s next-generation Multijet 2 diesel engines will give American consumers access to leading-edge diesel technology and the ability to go further for less mile after mile. From this point in our history forward, consumers will know that efficiency is a cornerstone of the New Chrysler Group – and a 25-percent improvement of our corporate mileage rating will serve as a barometer of our commitment to both fuel efficiency and the environment as we drive toward 2014.

Looking Ahead

Internally, Chrysler fueled by a conviction to fully repay the U.S. TARP and Canadian EDC loans by 2014. Chrysler thinks it is its duty to reward the belief the public sector placed in this company by investing wisely in the future – and making $23B in financial commitments in order to deliver the kind of efficient but spirited, exciting but safe and always trustworthy vehicles that American drivers deserve.From engineering to design, manufacturing to marketing, Chrysler has been driven to make a most-remarkable difference. The initiatives and processes Chhrylser putting in place will demonstrate its commitment to building quality vehicles. Automotive world USA looks at Chrysler as a guiding line!

At every turn, Chrysler is fully committed to employing the vast global resources in order to bring a great American car company back to the automotive forefront; so that once again, drivers the world over can say that there has never been a company quite like the Chrysler Group.

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